“Stewardship” is defined as “the act of taking care of or managing something” and is a frequently used term in healthcare and increasingly related to opioids. In a broad sense, Opiod Stewardship (OS) has been described as “coordinated interventions designed to improve, monitor, and evaluate the use of opioids in order to support and protect human health”.
Learn how to optimise opioid prescribing
Access visual analytics dashboard to identity interventions for evaluation education.
Use the framework for implementing an opioid stewardship.
Appropriate prescribing of opioids is a balance between pain management and the risk of medication related harm. Access resources, tools and guidance to undertake quality improvement initiatives to help identify areas for improvement in the use of opioid in healthcare.
An animated video from NPS MedicineWise and the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) provides information to people who may be considering taking opioids for chronic (ongoing) non-cancer pain.
Patient resource for managing pain.Audience: Queensland Health
A resource used to understand how to discharge analgesia.Audience: Queensland Health
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