
These standards focus on person centred approaches and promote choice and control by people with disability. These are standards are considered critical under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The Australian Government adopted the standards for its employment and advocacy services for people with disability from 1 January 2014 for employment service providers, and from 1 July 2014 for advocacy agencies funded under the National Disability Advocacy Program.

The National Standards underwent extensive consultation, validation and user testing, culminating in a set of six standards that are able to be applied across a broad range of circumstances.

They are:

  • rights
  • participation and inclusion
  • individual outcomes
  • feedback and complaints
  • service access
  • service management

Guides and other tools

NSDS – Standards translated

The National Standards for Disability Services has been translated into 15 languages – Arabic, Assyrian, Chinese (simplified), Croatian, Farsi, Greek, Khmer, Korean, Italian, Macedonian, Serbian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Audience: Queensland Health

NSDS – Easy English Posters

Promotional posters for display in the workplace.
Audience: Queensland Health

NSDS – Easy English Workbook

An easy English workbook, designed for workers to use with people who have difficulty reading and understanding written information.
Audience: Queensland Health

NSDS – Stories

Short examples of what each National Standard could look like in practice.
Audience: Queensland Health

NSDS – Evidence Guide

A guide to support staff and service providers understand and apply the National Standards to their work and services.
Audience: Queensland Health

NSDS – Conversation Tool

A short guide for workers and teams with direct client contact to consider how best to promote the National Standards and engage people in conversations about the standards.
Audience: Queensland Health

NSDS – Self Assessment Worksheets

These worksheets have been developed for service providers to assess their compliance with the National Standards. Developed in a template style, they list each standard and indicator of practice and provide space for providers to include examples of evidence that support compliance, together with any improvement actions that might need to be taken.
Audience: Queensland Health

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